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picture1_Feasibility Study Template Excel Free Download 6619 | Corrigendum1 Oh To Ug Bypl - Standar Format

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File: Feasibility Study Template Excel Free Download 6619 | Corrigendum1 Oh To Ug Bypl - Standar Format
corrigendum 1 response to the prebid queries and change in tender conditions date 03082021 bypl nit no cmcby2122rssvsrd18 dt 15072021 work consultancy work for comprehensive feasibility study for conversion of ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 25 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Corrigendum response to the prebid queries and change in tender conditions date bypl nit no cmcbyrssvsrd dt work consultancy for comprehensive feasibility study conversion of existing overhead electrical network underground part a slno clause reference description bidder s query if lt portion has be considered then time frame completion should deploy adequate manpower compel sec iii period shall days from survey increased since is cost within stipulated as per document issue loi intensive exercise payment terms need revised mobilization fee contract value follow acquaint himself with gis we understand that latest updated file format would data will provided standard pgdb exportable iv system shared please confirm arcgisshape provide on sample basis preparation detailed design proposed undergrounding dedicated software required performing said studies used qr mentioned g there any specific international conducting relevantapplicable iec standards carry out site visits assess area wise c...

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