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picture1_Farming Ppt 76192 | Intro Item Download 2022-09-02 13-05-03

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File: Farming Ppt 76192 | Intro Item Download 2022-09-02 13-05-03
operations management om management of any activities process that create goods and provide services exemplary activities forecasting scheduling quality management why to study om at a typical manufacturing company profit ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Operations management om of any activities process that create goods and provide services exemplary forecasting scheduling quality why to study at a typical manufacturing company profit cost marketing the systems or processes organization finance distinct active role inputs become outputs after some transformation example in food processing raw vegetables cleaning clean metal sheets cutting rolling welding cans energy cut water cooking boiled placing can service health care doctors nurses examination healthy hospital surgery patients medical supplies monitoring equipment medication laboratories therapy types operation examples producing farming mining construction storage transportation warehousing trucking mail taxis buses hotels location exchange trade retailing wholesaling renting leasing loans entertainment radio movies tv concerts recording communication newspapers journals magazines telephones satellite...

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