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...Capital budgeting and estimating cash flows ththee ccapiapitatall bud budgegettinging pr proocecessss genergeneratinating g invesinvestmetmennt projt projeect ct prproopopossalsals esestitimmatinating prproojecject t a afterfter taxax ininccrerememenntatall o operperatinating ccasashh flflows ows what is p prroocecessss of iof identifdentifyyiing ng aannaallyyzizingng aannd selecd selectiting ininvvesesttmment pent prroojecjecttss w whohosse e retretuurrnns cas sh flowflowss aarere expecexpected ted to eextextennd d bebeyonyond ononee yyeaearr the process ggeenneerraattee iinnvevessttmmeenntt pprrooppoossaalls s coconnssiissttenentt wwiitthh tthhe ffiirrmm ss ststrratateeggiic c oobbjjececttiivvees eessttiimmatate aafftteerr ttaaxx iinnccrrememeennttaall ooppereraattiinngg ccaashsh fflloowws ffoorr iinnvveeststmmeenntt pprroojjeeccttss eevvalaluuatate pprroojjeecctt iinncrcreemmeennttalal cacasshh sesellecect pt basbased ed on aa vvalualuee mamaximizinximizing aacceccepptatanncce cre c...