File: Analysis Ppt 76160 | I 47 0 Classical Management Thought Fayol
classical management thought henri fayol 1841 1925 one of the earliest people to write and lecture on management issues sometimes referred to as the first management thinker or the father ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Classical management thought henri fayol one of the earliest people to write and lecture on issues sometimes referred as first thinker or father modern dr hab jerzy supernat frenchman administrative was a contemporary american frederick w taylor scientific h initiated theoretical analysis appropriate all organizations attempted towards comprehensive theory plays very important part in government undertakings undertak ings large small industrial commercial political religious any other believed that principles effective could be defined taught managerial organization is valid an area workers s work included defining body which would enable manager buildup formal structure manage it rational way staunch advocate universality concepts perception separate discipline his original contribution focuses functions administration industrielle et generale bulletin de la societe l industrie minerale n paris general trans j coubrough international institute geneva constance storrs sir isaac pitman ...