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...Sheet schema changes lt date gt change originally new removed june schemaversionused enumeration procurementdocument type section restrictedaccesslist businesstypedescription format xsanysimpletype xsstring annotation business category from the system for award management sam see description list at dodprocurementtoolboxcom businesstypevalue specific provided in attribute previousformattedmiscellaneoustext element formattedclausefulltext governmentpointofentryidentifier datetimetype timeelementtimezone time zone of value solicitationofferinformation miscellaneous information about solicitations bids and offers that pertain to procurement instrument shareratio may only be used when amending a solicitation specialreportingrequirement group changedetailsadddelete changedetailsadddeletenochangetext lineitemmonth xsdate xsgyearmonth patterns ccyymm referencenumber model choice sequence miscellaneoustext formattedmiscellaneoustext groupshareratiobothlistandshareratiochangeshareratiochange gr...