an industry best practice and expectation in doe order 413 3b ipmr and clause doe h 2024 the sra identifies the high risk areas of the project schedule determines the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...An industry best practice and expectation in doe order b ipmr clause h the sra identifies high risk areas of project schedule determines likelihood materializing assesses impact possible assessmen conducted by contractor initial assessment should begin as soon t baseline is implemented uses statistical techniques form monte carlo simulations to quantify duration uncertainties technical programmatic on s traditional scheduling a integrated master there are single dates chosen for start finish each activity this called deterministic approach days may however has uncertainty probabilistic approaches estimates with forms distribution curve most likely case worst optimisti pessimistic c activities assigned range durations not random but point estimated critical near have determined control account manager remainder can ranges globally banding process results...