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picture1_Business Env

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File: Business Env
definition keith davis environment of the business means the aggregate of all conditions events and influences that surround and affect it arthur m weimer business environment encompasses the climate or ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Definition keith davis environment of the business means aggregate all conditions events and influences that surround affect it arthur m weimer encompasses climate or set economic social political institutional in which operations are conducted mrs gracy d souza assistant professor j patel college commerce introduction enterprises cannot function isolation open systems interact with their exist surrounded by an organisational society mutually dependent satisfy societal needs relationship between takes place a changing understanding within has to operate is very important for running unit successfully at any because environmental factors influence almost every aspect be its nature location prices products distribution system personnel policies hence learn about various components consists socio cultural aspects framework legal technological etc success depends on adapting itself functions example when there change government polices make necessary changes adapt new similarly technology ...

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