objectives for this session at the end of this session you should be able to describe the meaning of net present value benefit cost ratio and internal rate of return ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives for this session at the end of you should be able to describe meaning net present value benefit cost ratio and internal rate return interpret results a analysis implement simple role economic is only one factor in making decision about proposed program may other reasons go ahead with uneconomic example public health concerns such as rabies or not high npv political financial lack funds priorities more important maker will consider all these factors make what compares costs benefits over multiple years takes account fact that money spent received future worth less than today why discounted depreciated current year comparison discount depreciation similar interest would earned if was invested usually larger complicated programs run up where are higher start inputs fixed capital equipment staff vehicles office rent electricity variable surveillance control per diems travel need calculated separately each...