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picture1_Analysis Ppt 75685 | 6 2020 06 28!07 47 46 Pm

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File: Analysis Ppt 75685 | 6 2020 06 28!07 47 46 Pm
requirements part 2 1 data analysis and interpretation 2 techniques of data analysis 3 task description 4 task analysis data analysis and interpretation the kind of analysis that can be ...

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...Requirements part data analysis and interpretation techniques of task description the kind that can be performed on a set will influenced by goals identified at outset actually gathered broadly speaking you may take qualitative approach quantitative in combination last these is very common as it provides more comprehensive account behaviour being observed or performance measured most whether begins with initial reactions observations from findings often proceeds parallel but there are different ways to interpret results important make sure supports your conclusions form numbers easily translated into for example number years experience interviewees have projects department handles time minutes takes perform not expressed numerical terms includes descriptions quotes vignettes activity images simple averages percentages fairly well known measures however three types average which one use changes meaning mean median mode refers commonly understood middle value when ranked occurring less u...

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