emerging filed of iot data analytics semua bahan mengacu kepada buku the internet of things enabling technologies platforms and use cases as explained in the beginning of this book the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Emerging filed of iot data analytics semua bahan mengacu kepada buku the internet things enabling technologies platforms and use cases as explained in beginning this book overwhelming leverage miniaturization digitization distribution consumerization mobility consolidation centralization industrialization cloud compartmentalization virtualization containerization deeper connectivity has a number trendsetting transformational implications on information technology it organizations business houses behemoths across globe edge or fog computing through cloudlets microclouds is another potential phenomenon for next generation requirements are being insisted highly optimized organized infrastructures compute storage network transmitting storing processing large volumes published at high speed security while transit rest usage robust resilient mining analysis algorithms processes patterns synchronized faster ingestion pioneering knowledge visualization with projected trillions digitized object...