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picture1_Slideshare Management 75353 | 6 Invntorymnag,eoq,jit

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File: Slideshare Management 75353 | 6 Invntorymnag,eoq,jit
inventory inventory management management economic order economic order quantity jit and the quantity jit and the theory of contraints theory of contraints 2 learning objectives learning objectives describe the traditional ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Inventory management economic order quantity jit and the theory of contraints learning objectives describe traditional model explain basic concepts constrained optimization constraints how it can be used to manage managing inventories s k c i r b f o d n average a u h t y e v weeks appropriate policy two questions must addressed much should ordered or produced when placed setup performed as firm increases its size number orders falls therefore costs decline however an increase in also amount so that carrying cost rises trick is strike balance between these...

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