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picture1_Slideshare Management 75246 | Ieng 366 Lecture 03

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File: Slideshare Management 75246 | Ieng 366 Lecture 03
motivation an inner state that energizes activates or moves hence motivation and that directs or channels behavior toward goals berelson steiner types content theories based on human needs and people ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Motivation an inner state that energizes activates or moves hence and directs channels behavior toward goals berelson steiner types content theories based on human needs people s sometimes unconscious efforts to satisfy them maslow hierarchy of mcgregor theory x y herzberg two factor mcclelland trio discussed with project management later process rational choices expected outcomes j stacy abrams equity victor vroom expectancy porter lawler extension b f skinner reinforcement operant conditioning self actualization growth achieving your potential fulfillment esteem internal factors respect autonomy achievement external status recognition attention affiliation acceptance belonging friends affection security safety protection from physical emotional harm job predictable work environment physiological bodily food water shelter etc abraham in a higher level need won t motivate if lower is lacking regression happens order once substantially internally satisfied the next becomes dominant exte...

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