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picture1_Analysis Ppt 75169 | Management1 1

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File: Analysis Ppt 75169 | Management1 1
references introduction to industrial engineering by z max shen industrial engineering by n j manck industrial management by shiv jhalani reference books 1 management by knootz 2 management by griffin ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...References introduction to industrial engineering by z max shen n j manck management shiv jhalani reference books knootz griffin theory and practices js chandan engineer is concerned with the design improvement installation of integrated systems people materials information equipment energy it draws upon specialized knowledge skill in mathematical physical social sciences together principles methods analysis specify predict evaluate results be obtained from such system usually objectives as increasing profits or productivity improving quality reducing costs alternatively ie s improve organized work an maximizes utilization scarce resources namely time money if a chemical designs will chemically thermodynamically efficient mechanical mechanically make profit aims study techniques for plan production schedule accordingly organize material supply manufacturing activities minimize direct indirect cost optimizing use available learn accounting process inventory control planning employ moder...

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