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picture1_Agriculture Ppt 75080 | Slides Philippe Quevauviller Cluster 3

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File: Agriculture Ppt 75080 | Slides Philippe Quevauviller Cluster 3
horizon europe cluster 3 pillar 1 pillar 2 pillar 3 excellent science global challenges and innovative europe european industrial competitiveness 1 health european research council 2 culture creativity and european ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Horizon europe cluster pillar excellent science global challenges and innovative european industrial competitiveness health research council culture creativity innovation s inclusive society r civil security for e marie skodowska curie t digital industry space u ecosystems actions l climate energy mobility c food bioeconomy natural resources agriculture institute of environment infrastructures technology joint centre widening participation strengthening the area spreading excellence reforming enhancing i system objectives supporting eu policy priorities it will support commission priority promoting way life as well green deal fit age in particular implementation union strategy counter terrorism agenda border management dimensions new pact on migration asylum disaster risk reduction policies adaptation maritime cybersecurity expected impacts tackle crime first call now opened increase provide a more secure online closing november rd improve air land sea prevent respond to threats infras...

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