File: Manager Ppt 75045 | Hafta Item Download 2022-09-01 23-01-03
the rules of connecting the phone bya207 mesleki yabanc dil hafta 4 the rules of connecting the phone talking on the phone should be suitable to the rules of general ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The rules of connecting phone bya mesleki yabanc dil hafta talking on should be suitable to general it is very important how connect managers protocol are for communication public foundations and associations they must completely obeyed according telephone nobody can make superior wait except chairman board directors members secretary provides between people whatever their titles these that while o when a officer calls an inferior speak as in example manager mr akgul wants talk sales sayan i take your please if positions equal says accountant seferolu financial sefer we them together...