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picture1_Journey Ppt 74977 | Cjml Terminology

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File: Journey Ppt 74977 | Cjml Terminology
overview of cjml resources introduction visual notation terminology the cjml material consists overview purpose and diagrams elements definitions attributes of several documents that target group and symbols and class diagrams ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Overview of cjml resources introduction visual notation terminology the material consists purpose and diagrams elements definitions attributes several documents that target group symbols class are to be seen in connection modelling approach features examples meta model each other can used separately but we recommend start with diagram generator graphical all templates for easy symbol collection found here diagramming www sintef no bitmap vector format copyright content readers guide communication point who use this action additional channel object about terms concurrency service as a concept decision actor provider customer user journey simplified phase touchpoint references v by digital is licensed under creative commons attribution sharealike international license anyone copy transform any medium or following you must give appropriate credit provide link indicate if changes were made remix build upon distribute your contributions same original guidance on how https creativecommons or...

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