workshop overview part i the state of online learning part ii evaluation purposes approaches and frameworks part iii applying kirkpatrick s 4 levels part iv roi and online learning part ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Workshop overview part i the state of online learning ii evaluation purposes approaches and frameworks iii applying kirkpatrick s levels iv roi v collecting data tools sevilla wells july e we could be very productive by ignoring assessment altogether assume competence if learner simply gets through course why evaluate cost savings becoming less important reason to as more people recognize that initial expense is balanced long term financial benefits performance improvement a clear place see impact competency advancement methods formative k level budget stability summative team cipp model whether champion are promoted objectives oriented benefit analysis cba time marshall shriver market return on expectation bonk plan aeiou accountability ridiculous effectiveness organizational context u unintended consequences investment consumer...