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picture1_Education Ppt 74760 | Mgmp Kota Yogya 26 Maret 07

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File: Education Ppt 74760 | Mgmp Kota Yogya 26 Maret 07
layers of contexts for tefl 26 03 07 yogya efl mgmp on tefl methodolog 2 26 03 07 yogya efl mgmp on tefl methodolog 2 y smp muh 1 yogyakarta ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Layers of contexts for tefl yogya efl mgmp on methodolog y smp muh yogyakarta democratization decentralization regional autonomy each region intl st school decentralized education system based management level curriculum min reg no cs minl regln gcs law ts ls competencies required certification teachers have a noble task educating young generation sustaining the nation s existence right track sustainable credits amal jariah paradise is awaiting educators wrong prevailing sins so methodo logy professional t l process pedagogical teacher interpersonal learning personal output technical knowledge understands linguistic systems english phonology grammar and discourse comprehensively grasps basic principles language teaching has fluent competence in speaking writing listening to reading knows through experience what it like learn foreign close connection between culture keeps up with field regular conference workshop attendance skills well thought out informed approach uses wide variety tec...

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