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picture1_Sound Ppt 74757 | Week 7 Phonology

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File: Sound Ppt 74757 | Week 7 Phonology
phonology sound arrangement 2 september 1 2022 intro to ling ssn 2007 definiton phonology is the study of the sound patterns of language phonology is the component of a grammar ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Phonology sound arrangement september intro to ling ssn definiton is the study of patterns language component a grammar which includes inventory sounds phonetic and phonemic units rules for their combination pronunciation it concerned with how are organized in examines what occurs speech when they combined form word these interact each other scope phonetics produced mouth do combine memorized speaker s mind listener ear phonemes alphabet we mentally represent store words our memory universal can write down actually uttered any e g varies from finding find out someone figure people memories look minimal pairs pair that have different meanings differ only one difference significant so two must both be...

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