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picture1_Education Ppt 74685 | Ppt Prasetya Cahya R

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File: Education Ppt 74685 | Ppt Prasetya Cahya R
physical activities in relationship creative and critical thinking ability of students 01 background 02 formulation of the problem 03 research purposes 04 theoritical review discussion 05 research methods 06 results ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Physical activities in relationship creative and critical thinking ability of students background formulation the problem research purposes theoritical review discussion methods results family factor environmental increased problematic behavior or adolescents coupled with changes social forces such as factors that are not harmonious less supportive is influenced by many student psychology personal traits motivation cognitive various things related to environment konstantinidou apart from being able grow develop according mclellan well community especially school education learning will have an effect on also influence support learn create them expressing their creativity setiawan empower capacity so juliantine komarudin improve skills how does activity...

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