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picture1_Powerpoint For Students 74616 | Ofe Assessmentpresentation

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File: Powerpoint For Students 74616 | Ofe Assessmentpresentation
overview how do we design effective assessments purpose of assessments types of assessments how to give effective feedback to enhance student learning useable examples what is assessment assessment is today ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Overview how do we design effective assessments purpose of types to give feedback enhance student learning useable examples what is assessment today s means understanding modify tomorrow instruction carol tomilinson using drive n d retrieved february from http www slane k or us files common adjustments pdf learner follows the objectives based on principles backward developed by wiggins and mctighe instructors identify lesson objective desired results then decide they will accept as evidence learners knowledge skills concept holds that instructor must begin with end in mind i e should be able know understand map result current time students ability skill levels determine best way reach performance goal fact sheet planning goals vs general expectations outcomes statement overall description change unit etc developmentally a much more specific measureable can broad vague example bill rights importance impact it has list explain each lives american citizens ten amendments...

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