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picture1_Education Ppt 74576 | Essay Writing Types

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File: Education Ppt 74576 | Essay Writing Types
classification of essays essays may be classified in five kinds reflective essays narrative essays descriptive essays expository essays imaginative essays reflective essays a reflection is a thought on a subject ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Classification of essays may be classified in five kinds reflective narrative descriptive expository imaginative a reflection is thought on subject so essay consists thoughts some topic which generally an abstract nature for example habit qualities i e honesty patriotism truthfulness etc social political and domestic topics poverty education democracy philosophical subjects right wrong reality meaning the universe religious or theological concept evil writing about such theme you should write to explain g importance possessing good quote from historical literary events discuss institution theories support your statement with arguments facts narration series it treated as comments that more less deals like stories legends biographies incidents accident journey...

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