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picture1_Information Ppt 74547 | News Writing 19

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File: Information Ppt 74547 | News Writing 19
news writing gives the reader information starting with the most recent information events it flows from most important to least important what is news it is information only walter cronkite ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...News writing gives the reader information starting with most recent events it flows from important to least what is only walter cronkite former cbs anchor transition quote formula lead focus on newest future additional not found in sometimes needed linked side notes each box direct a new para connects or graph use more than one sentence story should flow next fact opinion for words help transi tion can be indirect partial first do repeat dq elaborate give details opinions etc second and so until complete let s start at beginning leads question ask yourself my readers need know contest summary that means they summarize five ws h of off w...

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