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picture1_Powerpoint For Students 74460 | Leadership Styles

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File: Powerpoint For Students 74460 | Leadership Styles
leadership what we ll leadership what we ll discuss discuss definition of leadership definition of leadership 3 styles of leadership 3 styles of leadership managers versus leaders managers versus leaders ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Leadership what we ll discuss definition of styles managers versus leaders goals summary is a leader someone in authority to lead others accomplish goal s needs be able motivate while at the same time encourage work toward their own professional autocratic authoritarian tells employees students they want done and how do it without getting advice from works well if you don t have much or are motivated generally this style not good way get best performance team con democratic participative involves one more decision making process determine maintains final allows everyone part feels that participated contributed encourages participation delegates wisely values group discussion motivates by empowering members direct themselves guides w loose reign negative everything matter doesn really delegative free lais ser faire make decisions still responsible for analyze situation sets priorities has little control direction motivation...

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