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picture1_Information Ppt 74446 | Broadcast News Writing Powerpoint Day 1

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File: Information Ppt 74446 | Broadcast News Writing Powerpoint Day 1
have the courage to write simply merv block broadcast news writing writing for television and radio keep in mind listeners viewers cannot flip back and review the information writing is ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Have the courage to write simply merv block broadcast news writing for television and radio keep in mind listeners viewers cannot flip back review information is more ear linear shorter sharper stronger means say only what needs be said simplest way possible precise concise make each word count speak with an active voice waste no words how do i that remember you are just relating events of a story would tell it your best friend over phone use short sentences single thought per sentence subject verb object example taco bell was robbed by armed gunman last night should zombie test know using if can add zombies makes sense s passive hint usually sentenced ends any part speech other than or direct...

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