File: Business Ppt Templates 74425 | Summary Of Experiences On The Situation Of Csr In The Eu 03
csr in the eu 10 post communist countries have no social background that would be supportive of csr csr is driven by multinationals coming to the new eu member states ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Csr in the eu post communist countries have no social background that would be supportive of is driven by multinationals coming to new member states as a concept large foreign investors corporations every year around usd billion direct investment flows into cee region share affiliates each host country very high e g hungary more than czech republic fdi changes structures physical landscape and whole economic climate there were greenfield fdis during source unctad world report don t take seriously holistic approach missing not an optional add on business core activities but about way which businesses are managed need integrate environmental impact their operations communication from commission com final solutions come first cause securing investments only priority aspects do warrant sufficient importance decision making effects conflicts with public interest frequent illegalities approval procedures corruption irresponsible demands towards governments becomes part corporate governance a...