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picture1_Handwriting Powerpoint 74414 | Chapter 10 Handwriting Forgery

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File: Handwriting Powerpoint 74414 | Chapter 10 Handwriting Forgery
vocabulary counterfeiting document analysis document expert exemplar forgery fraudulence questioned document chapter change your life change your life 10 what is the goal of forensic handwriting the goal of forensic ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Vocabulary counterfeiting document analysis expert exemplar forgery fraudulence questioned chapter change your life what is the goal of forensic handwriting to answer questions about a suspicious and determine authorship using variety scientific methods two writings are product one person if similarities there no fundamental unexplainable differences specially trained who scientifically analyzes other features in often detect changes from original this not same as graphologist studies personality writer based on samples graphology widely accepted part forensics job id individuals judgment signatures genuine or origin history documents dating alteration additions deletions counterfeit investigate computer printouts commercial printing paper ink any signature typewriting written mark whose source authenticity dispute uncertain...

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