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picture1_Writing Ppt 74220 | Eltprocess 2010 1

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File: Writing Ppt 74220 | Eltprocess 2010 1
Everyone has a writing Everyone has a writing process. process. What is yours? What is yours? Why do you need a Why do you need a writing process? writing process ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Everyone has a writing process what is yours why do you need it can help to organize your thoughts avoid frustration use the time productively and efficiently invention generar ideas collection escoger las organisation drafting hacer un primer borrador revising repasar y busca de errores proofreading leer todo nuevo finding brainstorming getting on paper escribir sueltas que vengan tu mente coming up with that interest listing topics choose best main idea...

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