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picture1_Powerpoint For Students 74202 | Sej Iop Satellite Vicephec August 2021

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File: Powerpoint For Students 74202 | Sej Iop Satellite Vicephec August 2021
what happened in 1969 2 the open university founded in 1969 supported distance learning 169 000 students mostly studying part time undergraduate modules are completely open entry so students have ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What happened in the open university founded supported distance learning students mostly studying part time undergraduate modules are completely entry so have a wide range of previous qualifications normal age from to our declared disability some sort live outside uk figures assessment classic model s and beyond tutor marked assignments tmas possibly computer cmas done at home contributing overall continuous score ocas much importance was placed on feedback marking commenting known as correspondence tuition unseen examination centre leading oes typically weighting between but grade boundaries informed by both has always been accessibility e g for disabled secure environments questions does formative mean is purpose your accessible all fair now it should be clear that there no such thing test nor could situation too complex notion simplistic however we can begin work towards tests more groups likely taking them gipps murphy p interactive prefer constructed response selected lot achieved...

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