why continuous comprehensive evaluation external examinations are largely inappropriate for the knowledge society of the 21st century and its need for innovative problem solvers evaluation of scholastic learning only on ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Why continuous comprehensive evaluation external examinations are largely inappropriate for the knowledge society of st century and its need innovative problem solvers scholastic learning only on marks ability child not evaluated limited techniques do identify learner s level attainment resulting in pass fail causing frustration humiliation what is refers to a system school based assessment that covers all aspects student development it emphasizes two fold objectives continuity broad behavioral out come asassseessssmement nt ppaatttteernrn formative monitoring progress summative end semester examination areas subject specific co life skills work education visual performing arts attitudes values other curricular activities which carried throughout year by teacher formally informally diagnostic remedial term or exams feedback parents assesment pattern fa will comprise i ii first iii iv second weekly tests components there be one test per...