raiffeisen bank international ag rbi a leading corporate and investment bank for austria s top 1 000 companies and for western european commercial customers a leading universal bank in cee ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Raiffeisen bank international ag rbi a leading corporate and investment for austria s top companies western european commercial customers universal in cee with the largest network of any banking group rating moody long term short p financial strength d home market central eastern europe further focus on asia listed vienna stock exchange selected key figures million business outlets employees average profit before tax billion after capitalisation north america usa china hong kong france south germany korea singapore sweden vietnam united kingdom malaysia india czech republic hungary poland slovakia slovenia albania bosna herzegovina bulgaria croatia kosovo romania serbia cis belarus kazakhstan moldova russia ukraine abroad eca cooperation finalized transactions ecas giek ond finnvera serv ekn euler hermes atradius coface mehib us exim oekb k sure edc cesce hbor saceegap sid kuke eximbanka sr country profile population mil land area sq km capital city prague gdp per capita ppp lt outlook...