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picture1_Powerpoint For Students 74052 | Sbg Presentation 2014 15

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File: Powerpoint For Students 74052 | Sbg Presentation 2014 15
falcon high school grading model is a combination of 3 distinct concepts elements of standards based grading sbg depths of knowledge assessment dok student mastery purpose of advantages of the ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Falcon high school grading model is a combination of distinct concepts elements standards based sbg depths knowledge assessment dok student mastery purpose advantages the grades fhs true reflection what on students know and can do available evidence pertinent recent data are used accurately depict re communicate takes level at consistency in practices which meaning has learned or target focus achieving to instruction parents achievement levels significantly exceeds superior ability skills b surpasses highly developed c adequately meets sufficient d nominally peripheral f infrequently never minimal no i missing work summative vs formative assessments for learning formal informal final specific feedback shows guides examples semester observation quarterly common quizzes rough drafts projects practice logs papers presentations exit admit tickets labs check points grade book construction documentation only consideration establishing s running all will be documented dated distinguished by s...

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