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picture1_Writing Ppt 73933 | Creswritingapapefelson 16

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File: Writing Ppt 73933 | Creswritingapapefelson 16
the questions to ask yourself first is the paper worth writing what s in the literature so what it s a lot of work average 20 30 drafts don t ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The questions to ask yourself first is paper worth writing what s in literature so it a lot of work average drafts don t do unless its i have say single question clearly stated with adequate evidence for answer try stating and one simple sentence or more papers putting too much makes diffuse less compelling than if focused salami science ok you want need write next right format message original article review b audience who cares c journal should choose...

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