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picture1_Writing Ppt 73912 | 1482 7501 Attach 1371

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File: Writing Ppt 73912 | 1482 7501 Attach 1371
introduction introduction what is the writing process writing an essay takes time that s why writing is often referred to as a process in other words a writer goes through ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction what is the writing process an essay takes time that s why often referred to as a in other words writer goes through several steps before he or she has complete ready turn for grade this lesson talk about those of pre organizing drafting revising and editing handing final copy step one literally means you actually begin your will need do following things choose topic write on brainstorm generate ideas focus central two making outline can help organize want rough plan make much easier i thesis ii body sentence supporting idea iii conclusion three after getting it start when draft try remember guidelines don t worry perfect paper first goal develop support listed spelling grammar check later four go back over look ways improve content organization called revision revise mistakes english conventions like punctuation structure errors etc...

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