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picture1_Online Learning Ppt 73798 | Psychology 12 Leadership

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File: Online Learning Ppt 73798 | Psychology 12 Leadership
psychological factors affecting performance sports psychology leadership learning objectives learning objective understand how leaders can affect group performance learning outcomes all describe the characteristics of an effective leader and the ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Psychological factors affecting performance sports psychology leadership learning objectives objective understand how leaders can affect group outcomes all describe the characteristics of an effective leader and styles theories chelladurai s model most explain some apply to a variety sporting examples evaluate them key terms emergent prescribed autocratic democratic laissez faire trait perspective social theory interactionist multi dimensional what makes good communication skills high motivation enthusiasm having clear goal or vision needs be achieved empathy ability put yourself in position others they feel being at sport themselves comprehensive knowledge charisma this is quality that difficult analyse but person who has hard ignore certain presence great powers persuasion...

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