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picture1_Assessment Ppt 73786 | 13deckplateleadership Self&servicebalance

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File: Assessment Ppt 73786 | 13deckplateleadership Self&servicebalance
definitions each leader has a distinctive personal style recognizes that they will make changes in a way that reflects their style or leadership regardless of the type of leader self ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Definitions each leader has a distinctive personal style recognizes that they will make changes in way reflects their or leadership regardless of the type self centered time should be minimal service maximized some is essential reviewed dir t uscgaux uscg auxiliary deck plate series effect proper balance leaders focus more on themselves members notice centeredness does not get best from work for good unit achieves maximum success assessment useful giving people an objective view what related aspects http www olagroup com display asp page servant l eadership modernservantleader summary where are we as flotilla do have other my...

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