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picture1_Leadership Ppt 73744 | Strategic Leadership

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File: Leadership Ppt 73744 | Strategic Leadership
top management team strategic direction responsible for effecting long term strategic decisions and strategic change formulate implement strategies strategies strategic directions of tmt influences the ability to engage in effective ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Top management team strategic direction responsible for effecting long term decisions and change formulate implement strategies directions of tmt influences the ability to engage in effective heterogenous diverse backgrounds expertise knowledge more a greater capacity provide leadership stronger actions response fight competition they must function cohesively otherwise difficult hetorogenous value added winning minimize disputes associate positively with innovation determining developing vision intent yrs ahead interactions composition ceo succession on strategy internal external homogenous stable ambiguous case no expected as members think slight behave alike likelihood if are is appointed from outside innovate key attributes exploiting maintaining core competencies relate functional skills marketing hr finance develop exploit significant assets that can be applied across business units human capital enhance workforce building commitment goals participation programs abilities training...

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