leader effectiveness how can we tell a good leader from a poor leader what results would we expect to see from a good leader performance the job gets done motivation ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Leader effectiveness how can we tell a good from poor what results would expect to see performance the job gets done motivation followers are energized effort try hard satisfaction happy focus of trait approach personality ppeerrsonsonalaliittyy assessments aasssesessssmemennttss focuses exclusively organizations use on traits leaders find right people assumption will increase exhibit who has these organizational specify characteristics for specific positions assessment measures fit strengths highlights leadership intuitively appealing component in perception that different they process possess special deeper level understanding need view as gifted related credibility due provides benchmarks century research support look criticisms fails delimit list most important is highly subjective definitive much experience observations serve basis identified endless lists have at emerged relationship outcomes doesn t take into not useful training account situational development effects one situat...