assessment of hematologic system subjective data past health history demographic data current and past individual and family history past and current use of medications herbs and supplements surgical history review ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Assessment of hematologic system subjective data past health history demographic current and individual family use medications herbs supplements surgical review systems using functional copyright by mosby an imprint elsevier inc patterns previous problems such as anemia bleeding disorders or blood diseases injuries transplants involving the liver kidney spleen alcohol iv drug thorough is important for identifying all substances that can potentially influence including disruption clotting processes bone marrow depression secondary malignancies surgery other treatments splenectomy tumor removal prosthetic heart valve placement excision duodenum partial total gastrectomy gastric bypass ileal resection are significant wound healing transfusions case study istockphoto thinkstock b c a year old female who presents to hematology clinic where you work she complaining increase in fatigue over months not any better after decent night s rest...