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picture1_Corporate Powerpoint Templates 73614 | Robbins Mgmt14 Ppt 09

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File: Corporate Powerpoint Templates 73614 | Robbins Mgmt14 Ppt 09
learning objectives 9 1 define strategic management and explain why it s important 9 2 explain what managers do during the six steps of the strategic management process know how ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning objectives define strategic management and explain why it s important what managers do during the six steps of process know how to identify your own personal strengths weaknesses deal with them develop skill at planning describe three types corporate strategies competitive advantage organizations use get discuss current issues copyright pearson education inc all rights reserved is organization plans for will in business compete successfully attract satisfy its customers order achieve goals model a company going make money has positive impact on performance helps decide act face change uncertainty complex diverse work together exhibit illustrates step which encompasses strategy implementation evaluation identifying mission purpose an...

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