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picture1_Construction Template Excel 6354 | P 220 Soil Cement Base Mos - Standar Format

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File: Construction Template Excel 6354 | P 220 Soil Cement Base Mos - Standar Format
p220 mos project namebethel airport parallel runway reconstruction project cfapt00429aip 30200290262019 design reviewermitch miller faa reviewerryan feil date 5202019 section mos description mos justification ryan feil s comments general this ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago
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...P mos project namebethel airport parallel runway reconstruction cfaptaip design reviewermitch miller faa reviewerryan feil date section description justification ryan s comments general this partially replaces an existing soilcement layer that was constructed in only portions of the are being impacted by original stabilized same material using specificationstechniques as is proposed for dot pf specification closely modeled after controlled construction previously approved acg item number changed to ach samples recently taken from exhibited cement treated soil base course unconfined compressive strengths ranging psi indicating a high quality bearing higher than recommended values given notes designer intent mimic those results replace astm c with aashto m and eliminate equivalent controls should be added list since you blended cements use historically not proposing rather used ak presumably due lack economic viability there no cost savings when posible uses testing standards provide con...

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