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picture1_Business Ppt Templates 73307 | Tim101 Levin Presentation Spring 2014 0

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File: Business Ppt Templates 73307 | Tim101 Levin Presentation Spring 2014 0
outline the what and why of computing science research microsoft research why and how some research successes http research microsoft com 2 what is computing research basic vs applied relevant ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Outline the what and why of computing science research microsoft how some successes http com is basic vs applied relevant blue sky short term long practical theoretical all above kinds simplified open ended disruptive portfolio mission focused sustaining reactive as a nature pay off reward likelihood timing payoff risk relationship to other activities dependence overlap business relevance researchers their management must answer these questions likely it succeed technically organizationally if does will benefit my organization much when...

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