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50 Frugal Living Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 50 txt files containing articles about Frugal Living. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. A Frugal Gift Is Measured First By It
..... A frugal gift is measured first by it's usefulness. With that in mind, the frugal mind that is, the gift actually serves two practical purposes; it is useful and saves money. Most frugal women will Below I will explore a couple of ideas for thoughtful, practical-and yes, frugal-gifts. Fill a sturdy laundry basket with one or two boxes each: Arm and Hammer Washing Soda, 20 Mule Team Borax and a few bars of Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar Soap. Mix up one batch of the following recipe and put in a tightly sealed container. You can make a decorative container yourself from a quart mason jar and some decorative fabric banded over the top or any kind of sealed glass container. Tie with pretty ribbon. And include the following recipe. Place with the laundry detergent ingredients. Powdered Laundry Detergent Mix Together: .....


2. A Frugal Shopper Has Skills And Ways Of Looking At Things That Help Him Or Her Take Advantage Of The Money
..... A frugal shopper has skills that help him or her gain benefit of the money-saving opportunities in life. Below I have listed several traits found in frugal shoppers. By incorporating these into your life, you too can become a frugal shopper. 1. A frugal shopper studies other people. There are probably people near you living a good life on half of what you make. Learn how others do things, so you'll know your options. .....


3. Being Frugal And Happy Isn
..... Frugality and happiness aren't something society usually puts together. Frugality often brings up images of great sacrifice. We think of the miser who lived in poverty only for others to find millions saved after the miser passes away. What was the use? Frugal living isn't necessarily what you may possibly consider it to be. Frugal people live very happy lives. They find happiness in meeting goals, reducing their financial burdens and living stress free. How happy can you be when you are drowning in debt and struggling to make ends meet? You aren't living frugally, but you aren't happy either. The frugal person often sees each step towards being debt-free or early retirement as a great success. They don't focus on that outfit they didn't buy or that new car they aren't driving. They focus on having spending money left over at the end of the month. They focus on the things that really matter. .....


4. Being Frugal Is A Never Ending Goal
..... Frugal living is something that you undertake for the long haul. It isn't something you can pick and choose to do one day and not the next-that is, not if you expect to see progress toward your goal. You do have a goal, don't you? If not, read the final tip here first. Below are several things you need to keep in mind if you are considering a frugal lifestyle. 1. Not every frugal idea is workable for everyone. There is a balance between frugality and time that is unique for each person. Some people have time to grind their own wheat into flour and make their own pasta from scratch. Some people only have the time to do simple things. You don't have to use every idea you hear about. 2. Start saving your savings. .....


5. Do Your Homework
.....There are lots of ways to save money, no matter how much of it you have - or don't have. All you need to know is where to look to find the savings. The first thing you need to do is eliminate ALL of your unnecessary expenses such as eating out on the weekends, buying lunch at work every day subscribing to magazines and newspapers and cable television. It's OK to reward yourself once in a while, but if you are really looking to live frugally, you owe it to yourself to save every single penny you can! To find other ways to reduce your expenses, take a close look at your checkbook and credit card statements. You should also call your credit card companies to see if they will lower your interest rates. You'll be amazed at how many ways you can save money, especially once you start looking carefully at how you spend your money every month. .....


6. Frugal All
..... Pre-packaged store-bought box mixes are expensive. Have you considered homemade alternatives? Made-from-scratch mixes are healthy, cost beneficial, store well, and taste great. Often times, you're paying for the packaging of commercial "convenience" foods and you don't have any control over the additives and preservatives they contain. When making your own mixes, you tailor the ingredients, so have control over the quality and quantity. Making your own bulk mixes is a great way to stock your pantry. Creative containers make homemade mixes a terrific frugal gift idea too. There's something deeply satisfying when cooking from scratch. It takes some minimal preparation, but many of the ingredients are already a staple in your pantry. It's not as time consuming as you may think. Supplies Plastic baggies .....


7. Frugal Cleaning Products
..... One of the best places to save money is on cleaning products. Here are a few recipes that are extremely economical, yet work fantastically! Note: Make sure to label all your homemade cleaning products, and keep them away from pets and children. .....


8. Frugal Clothing And Transportation Hints
..... Clothing * For kids, don't go over the top with the brand names, especially since the kids will grow out of them quickly. * For adults and older teens, don't buy really trendy clothes that will only last one season. Buy classical fashionable clothing that will last, and get trendy with accessories. * Buy shirts and ties or blouses and just one suit -- accessorizing is cheaper. .....


9. Frugal Floor Cleaners
..... You don't need fancy cleaners to keep your floor sparkling clean. Try a few of the ideas below and see how proud you can be of your floors. Vinegar. A few drops in the cleaning water will help remove grease. Dull, greasy film on no-wax .....


10. Frugal Gift Baskets
.....Holidays and birthdays come around whether you are living a frugally or not. You don't have to break your budget in order to give a gift that will not only be loved by its recipient, but also used often. Gift boxes or baskets make wonderful, thoughtful gifts for everyone and are only limited by your imagination. Once you start making these up, you'll wonder why you didn't think of it sooner. They are fun to make and give, can be worked into nearly every budget and can be tailored for the pickiest on your list. Below are a few ideas to get you started. Frugal Food Basket: Mix up some master baking mix, pancake mix, cookie mix, or muffin mix. Pick and choose or give them all in tightly sealed containers or jars and attach recipes for using and the mix recipe. Specialty rice and rice mixes, bean mixes, bean and rice mixes, oatmeal, and couscous. All these can be put in mason jars and decorated appealing. Don't forget instructions on how to use the mixes. A pack of herb seeds or starter plants for indoor herb gardening. Treat Gift Basket: Now this one is great to give the frugal person food items that his or her budget, or frugal mind, just won't allow. Everyone has favorite gourmet items that they love but rarely treat themselves to. If you don't know exactly what the person likes most, it won't take much investigating to find out. Coffee or Tea Gift Basket: Pack this basket with several different brands of gourmet or specialty coffee or a lot of the one brand you know she loves. Include a permanent coffee filter to fit the brand of coffeemaker she uses to show you haven't forgotten her practical side! You can easily adapt the contents to fit the tea lover instead. Top it off with a nice coffee cup. .....


11. Frugal Gift In A Jar Ideas
..... One of the most thoughtful gifts a person can give is a gift that is useful and is made with the recipient in mind. Gifts in a Jar come in an endless variety. You start with a wide-mouthed quart jar and layer the ingredients for a recipe. The ingredients can be cakes, cookies, soups, pasta, or one of any number of things. I have included two recipes to get you started. Dream Cookies 1/2 cup orange-flavored drink mix (Tang) 3/4 cup white sugar .....


12. Frugal Gifts For The Cook
.....Everybody has to cook. Some love it and others just cook out of necessity. It is very likely someone on your gift list belongs to the first category. Below are two ideas for perfect gift baskets for the cooks on your list. Don't allow yourself to be limited by just these suggestions, use your creativity and throw in whatever seems suitable. Cook's Basket: Fill a large stock pot or basket with a variety of cooking utensils or supplies, special seasonings, cooking spices (Italian seasoning, cumin, onion powder, garlic, oregano, thyme, etc. Toss in a cookbook if your budget allows and/or toss in some homemade recipes for taco seasoning, chicken bake coating, stuffing, whatever you can find to replace higher priced store bought mixes. A good idea might be to actually make the mixes and give them already mixed in a tightly sealed container or jar along with the recipe. Baker's Basket: Fill a large mixing bowl or basket [she'll probably get more use out of the bowl ;-)] with baking tools and/or supplies as much as will suit your budget. i.e. - Wire whisks of various sizes, wooden spoons, measuring spoons and cups, a sifter, cookie cutters, rubber spatulas, a bag of bulk yeast, can of baking powder, various spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, etc.), vanilla extract, or anything else you know your frugal cook will use or needs. Top both off with a personalized apron. Make or buy an apron and write the person's name or a personal message, poem, or saying on it, using a fabric paint pen or paints. Other contents might include a cookbook, some of your own favorite recipes printed neatly on a recipe card or made into a mini cookbook, a recipe file, cookbook stand, etc. Again, allow your imagination free reign and see what else you can add. .....


13. Frugal Indoor Kid
.....Keep your kids busy indoors on cold or rainy days with the following inexpensive activities: * Mister Grass Head Materials Needed: nylon knee stocking, Grass Seeds, Potting Soil, Baby Food Jar, Wiggle Eyes or glass paint/markers Using hosiery, place some grass seeds in the toe. The hosiery is the head and the excess will be placed in the baby food jar to soak up water. The toe of the hose is the head and the grass will look like hair as it grows. The baby food jar is the body. Add some potting soil in the end of the hosiery on top of the seeds. Make sure the hosiery of seeds and soil is bigger than the opening of the baby food jar. Tie a knot in the hosiery to keep the seeds and soil in. Completely soak the soil/seed ball. Place the hosiery in a baby food jar filled with water making sure the head is above the mouth of the jar. Decorate the jar to look like Mister Grass Head's clothes and add a face onto the head. *Shadow Drawing .....


14. Frugal Living
.....Is Being Frugal Worth It? Frugality is simply the practice of looking for the less expensive alternatives. Frugality doesn't have to mean being a scrooge or living without comfort. Is it really worth the time and effort you put into things like homemade cleaners and clipping coupons? Search the Sunday paper for coupons and clip them out. Make a list of things on sale that you can stock up on in order to get your average cost down. Plan and run a route of four stores in order to get everything where it is the cheapest. Total extra time spent: three hours. Now, save sixty dollars. This translates into twenty dollars an hour-a pretty good deal, don't you think? .....


15. Frugal Pest Control
..... Ants Vinegar. Wash countertops, cabinets, and floor with equal parts vinegar and water to deter ant infestations. .....


16. Frugal Recipes Using A Basic Baking Mix
..... Below I have listed several recipes that can be made with a basic baking mix. Once you see how much you can do with this mix, you'll never spend the money for prepared mixes again.. Biscuits Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Combine 1 1/2 cups Master Baking Mix and 1/3 cup milk in a bowl. Add milk and stir. Knead lightly on floured board. Roll 1/2-inch thick; cut and place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake 10 minutes. Makes 8. Options: Add grated cheese and chopped herbs. Increase milk to 1/2 cup for drop biscuits. .....


17. Frugal And Safer Air Fresheners
..... Most commercial air fresheners do not freshen the air at all. Instead, they mask one odor with another, coat your nasal passages with an undetectable oil film, or diminish your sense of smell with a nerve-deadening agent. For a safer alternative, you may wish to try one of the following; not only will your home smell as fresh and clean as it is, you will also find yourself feeling healthier. *Distribute partially filled saucers of vinegar around the room or boil 1 tablespoon of white vinegar in 1 cup of water to eliminate unpleasant cooking odors. .....


18. Frugal Living Is More Than A Lifestyle
.....Always use items that are reusable rather than throw away. You'll find that doing these little things like using real cups and plates instead of paper or plastic throw away, and recycling containers for storage or even to use in craft projects, you can save a lot of money. Each by itself may seem minor, but when put together they can amount to tremendous savings over time. Don't buy it if you won't use it. Things like small kitchen appliances, repair tools, and gardening tools are good examples. We know they'd make our life easier if we just had the opportunity to use them. Simplify your life and narrow it down to a couple you just can't live without like a can opener and coffee maker. The above are examples of things you can do to save money on your quest to live to live the frugal lifestyle. I want to tell you about another frugal activity that can result in hundreds of dollars a year-rebates and coupons. I list both together, because using both, along with your weekly sales ad, is the best way. Gather all your coupons-you have been clipping them, haven't you?-now check your weekly sales ads and see what items are on sale that you have coupons for. This done, check and see if the store offers double coupons. These are the stores you want to check first. Now go online and put in a search for rebates plus your product. Many will be printable. This done, do your shopping and mail out your rebate forms, then sit back and relax. Oftentimes. You will find you actually come out ahead in this deal, as the rebate will be the price of the item before the use of the coupon. Now, that is the best example of frugal shopping I've found. .....


19. Have Fun Frugally
.....You don't need to cut out entertainment completely in order to live a frugal life. Below, I have listed some very inexpensive ways to save money and still have fun. * If you live in a city, just try walking around. In New York, I have found impromptu concerts by street musicians or just sat in the park and people watched. You'd be amazed how much fun you can have! * Instead of eating out or going to bars with friends, host a potluck at home or just have friends over for drinks. It's much cheaper to buy liquor than to buy drinks at the bar. * For movies, go to matinees or the two dollar movie (a number of communities have them). Yes, those movies are second-run, but hey, it's worth financial freedom to me. You can also always rent movies. .....


20. Have You Ever Ran Around At The Last Minute
.....Have you ever ran around at the last minute, looking for gifts, only to end up buying something you really don't want at a price that is far more than you intended to spend? Holidays don't have to be expensive. You can make gifts, of course, but if you want to buy them, here are a few suggestions for saving money. 1. Make a list. It's always convenient to make a list of all the people that you will be giving a gift to. Make sure you know what their interests are so you get a gift that they will appreciate. It will make it special for them and for you. 3. Buy in advance. Don't wait until the last minute to go Christmas shopping because you'll end up paying high prices for stuff you don't even like. This happens especially with the popular toys each year. If you decide to go a local mall, make sure you do it during the first two weeks of November. You'll avoid the majority of Christmas shoppers and you are guaranteed to find what you're looking for at lower prices. .....


21. Having Fun As A Family Doesn
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22. Here
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23. Home Schooling Can Be A Rewarding Experience For The Entire Family
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24. I Love To Eat
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25. It Seems As If Every Family Today Is A Two Income Family
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26. It Seems That School Starts Earlier Every Year
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27. Living Frugally Isn
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28. Nowadays
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29. Painless Ways To Cut Vacation Spending
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30. Perfect Family Vacations That Won
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31. Pre
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32. Save On Communication And Electricity
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33. Saving Money On Car Gas
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34. Seeing A Head
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35. Spices The Frugal Way
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36. Stop The Slaughter
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37. Supermarket Smarts
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38. The Frugal Homeowner
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39. There Is A Lot Of Advice Out There On How To Live A Frugal Life
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40. When It Comes To Our Home
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41. When It Comes To Saving Money It Doesn
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42. When The Internet First Began Everything Was Free
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43. Where Can You Buy Items In Good Condition But For Little Money
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44. Whether You Are An Avid Vegetable Gardener
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45. Winter Is Upon Us
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46. Your Food Budget Is The Most Flexible Area Of Your Household Budget
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47. Ike To Dress Well But Don
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48. Ow Cost Ways To Decorate Your Bathroom
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49. T Can Take A Lot Of Money To Stay Cool
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50. Top Laughing
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