File: Confidential Powerpoint 73286 | Halotechnics Series Seed
our pitch in 3 steps 1 renewable energy needs big storage 12 000 megawatts in california alone 2 halotechnics has the solution we store electricity as heat partnering with shell ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Our pitch in steps renewable energy needs big storage megawatts california alone halotechnics has the solution we store electricity as heat partnering with shell re offering you a great deal to get involved raising k notes m cap confidential inc mw of is needed from demand minus solar and wind time day competition cannot meet need batteries too expensive natural gas plants co pumped hydro nox pollution can t site it compressed air thermal safe reliable grid scale at fraction cost stores stable abundant fluid capital low kwh up round trip efficiency year lifetime molten salt proven turbo scalable machinery company profile believe key clean founded million federal grants date non dilutive management team power plant design financing experience justin raade milt venetos john huffaker grady hannah ceo founder systems eng corporate dev business phd ge alum role technology guru billion deals sales veteran...