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picture1_Corporate Powerpoint Templates 73208 | 132 16caccm1d 2020060305521789

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File: Corporate Powerpoint Templates 73208 | 132 16caccm1d 2020060305521789
introduction a company is body corporate recognize by law as a person having its entity distinct from its members despite all these powers it is not a physical being it ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction a company is body corporate recognize by law as person having its entity distinct from members despite all these powers it not physical being expresses will or takes decisions through resolutions passed at regularly convened meetings of the shareholders and their elected representatives directors meeting annual general every in each year hold addition to any other u s except one whether public private share capital limited unlimited must objectives agm board place accounts for consideration approval adoption auditors are also replaced reappointed dividend proposed declared access control over management re electing refusing elect legal provisions regarding extension time registrar may special reason extend holding validity held beyond statutory due date void such valid only effect that involves penalty proper authority convene...

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