proposal after you have ideas then you can state the general problems or general issues of your research interest elaborate the problems by reviewing literatures ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is research proposal after you have ideas then can state the general problems or issues of your interest elaborate by reviewing literatures make sure are worth design steps to solve methodology use all related theories methods techniques processes procedures tools etc found in reviewed put together and into a writing review other before begin write not easy find example get an idea how take lesson learned from strengths weaknesses some writings easily read so do repeat mistake with sections know best it s human if way think linear first whatever comes up mind but forget revisit again later on jump one part another feel comfortable re start organize certain structure hasitate move paragraph around cover parts that print each draft different version once exhausted sometime go over writen comments whenever necessary exercise dialog employ drawings graphics tables for early drafts improve understanding enhanced picture graphic table old saying says tells thousand words numbering quote...