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picture1_Information Ppt 73081 | Kamuzu Central Hospital Research Dissemination Conference Abstract

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File: Information Ppt 73081 | Kamuzu Central Hospital Research Dissemination Conference Abstract
content introduction methodology results and discussions recommendations conclusions 2 introduction information technology has changed the way data is collected stored manipulated and used in hospitals the advancement of technology in ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Content introduction methodology results and discussions recommendations conclusions information technology has changed the way data is collected stored manipulated used in hospitals advancement of patient management came form electronic medical records emrs capture store retrieve through gadgets conrick malawi started installations with kamuzu central art clinic registration baobab health trust several have been deployed throughout country problem benefits enjoyed including easy generation reports access retrieval world wide are partly or not at all keshavjee et al since year this there seems to be a misalignment workflow clinical processes these mismatches resulted non use occasional emr research objectives main objective analyse how design reality socio technical gaps influence specific analyze that affect organizational staffing suggest strategies for minimizing enhance literature review level systems within shuemie various russell assist care delivery improved legibility notes rem...

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