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picture1_Information Ppt 73057 | Week 3   Konsep Sistem Komputer

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File: Information Ppt 73057 | Week 3 Konsep Sistem Komputer
rencana kegiatan perkuliahan semester w pokok bahasan w pokok bahasan 1 pengenalan teknologi 9 informasi 10 komputasi pemrograman 2 konsep sistem komputer 11 rekayasa perangkat lunak 3 pengenalan perangkat keras ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Rencana kegiatan perkuliahan semester w pokok bahasan pengenalan teknologi informasi komputasi pemrograman konsep sistem komputer rekayasa perangkat lunak keras komunikasi data jaringan storage etika dan dampak sosial terkini advance ujian tengah topik akhir reference bruce k william stacey c sawyer using information technology a practical introduction to computers th communications edition j glenn brookshear computer science an overview review last week first generation second third fourth fifth von neumann architecture history vacuum tube produce more heat easy break down difficult identify the problem whenever becomes malfunction expensive processing not accurate transistor small size low power usage efficient use cheapest assembly language integrated circuit start implement multiprogramming concept and time sharing basic pascal microprocessor lsi large scale integration main memory faster sophisticated have ability see listen talk think like human ai...

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