File: Business Ppt Templates 73002 | Ak4110 13 163254
objectives 1 apply the three step writing process to negative messages 2 explain how to use the direct approach effectively when conveying negative news 3 explain how to use the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives apply the three step writing process to negative messages explain how use direct approach effectively when conveying news indirect and avoid ethical problems using this describe successful strategies for sending on routine business matters employment related list important points consider organizational an effective strategy responding information in a social media environment you need deliver bad have five goals convey gain acceptance it maintain as much goodwill possible with your audience good image organization if appropriate reduce or eliminate future correspondence matter accomplishing all requires careful attention planning completing message can t fact that does not want hear what say minimize damage relationships encourage of plan carefully clear purpose s needs mind gather will order understand accept by clearly sensitively take some sting out help reader decision move credibility hasn already been established clarify qualifications so recipients won question autho...