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picture1_Corporate Powerpoint Templates 72923 | Csr Item Download 2022-08-31 22-34-03

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File: Corporate Powerpoint Templates 72923 | Csr Item Download 2022-08-31 22-34-03
corporate social responsibility csr legislation for the first time anywhere in the world csr for companies including cpses has been mandated through legislation in india section 135 of the companies ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Corporate social responsibility csr legislation for the first time anywhere in world companies including cpses has been mandated through india section of act contains provisions schedule vii enumerates activities that can be undertaken by as amended and policy rules were notified m o ministry th affairs on feb all came into force from this is year implementation under was highlights statutory crossing thresholds i e net worth inr crore or more turnover profit are required to discharge obligations at least average profits company made during immediately preceding financial years spent every computation spends computed per before tax pbt such have constitute a committee board comprising three directors with one independent director projects programs only shall amount expenditure though give preference local area areas around its operations responsibilities s formulate recommend which indicate specified incurred monitor approve disclose annual report website ensure specify reasons case no...

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